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martedì 8 novembre 2011

Artefact - Precious Things

Artefact, also spelled as arte.fa(t, is a band with quite a few releases, but of rather underwhelming quality. This album is relatively decent, compared to the trip-pop kitsch of their next albums (Addicted to Your Goodies and Caffeine). This rip I have must be of a special edition or something, since it doesn't match the Discogs entry (but then again, the band self-released the album, so...).

1. A Solitary Life
2. An Angel Sings
3. Feel the Sun
4. Horizon
5. Lifespace
6. The System
7. Of All Places
8. Purification
9. Take My Time
10. When Francis Speaks
11. Breezenliqlrpc
12. Horizon (Sonic Wallpaper)

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